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Silver Club Accreditation

Silver Club Accreditation

Jamie Cochrane18 Dec 2020 - 11:03

WHC achieve Scottish Hockey Accreditation

Scottish Hockey have awarded our club with Silver Club Accreditation, joining many of the other hockey clubs in the country who have demonstrated best practice and sustainability in a number of areas.

Increasing participation in hockey, achieving high standards while developing coaches, volunteers and players, is key to a club’s success and Scottish Hockey recognise that none of this would be possible without the dedication of hard working volunteers across the country - Club Accreditation aims to recognise this progress.

Some of the benefits of gaining accreditation include:

Stronger clubs: Providing higher quality sport through qualified coaches delivering to an ever improving standard as a club progresses through accreditation.

Raises the club profile: This can lead to increased membership, player retention, better quality coaches and officials and an increase in volunteers getting involved in your club.

A safer place for vulnerable groups: It is reassuring to parents, teachers and wider membership that a club has implemented effective management of child protection and vulnerable adults measures.

Efficiency: Indicates that your club is well run, efficient and effective, saving volunteers time.

Supported Volunteers: Demonstrates that sport is taken seriously with succession planning in place and volunteers have support to develop and grow in their roles.

Funding Opportunities: Better access to grants as funding providers can look more favourably on accredited clubs.

Thanks must go to those within the club committee who ensured that the accreditation requirements and admin were completed this month.

Further reading